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Religion Comparison Books

معاملة غير المسلمين
تيه العرب وتيه بني إسرائيل
العلمانية جذورها وأصولها
الله جل جلاله والأنبياء عليهم السلام في التوراة والعهد القديم
المدخل الى دراسة التوراة والعهد القديم
العهد الجديد والعقائد النصرانية
لمحات من سيطرة اليهود ومكايدهم 
المسيح المنتظر وتعاليم التلمود
تحريف التوراة وسياسة إسرائيل التوسعية
  1. Every publication that was not mentioned in the official website is not reliable and is not attributed to the doctor. The site’s publications in other than legal occasions do not need to be kept up with the nation’s new incidents, or events, because they are not news publications, informational, but they are publications with jurisprudential, scientific, legal issues that prevent the site’s administration. In the exploitation of its material for commercial purposes, and a license to take advantage of the content of the site for research or advocacy purposes, provided that the reference is made when quoting to the site.



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